niedziela, 21 lipca 2013


On 17.09.2009, at 5:20, with body weight 2360 grams and 10 points Apgar was born our daughter. Happiness did not last long. The third day after birth, it turned out that our daughter has a serious drawback construction excretory system. From this information, we began our bad karma. As it turned out, also has a tiny heart murmur. My world collapsed. I had to be a young mom greet your child, enjoying it right. Meanwhile, I was sad that a little suffering, and the joy has been replaced by concern and regret.

The 6-th day of life Irminki transported us to the Chair and Department of Pediatric Surgery and Oncology in Szczecin for surgery. When the daughter was being prepared for surgery, the doctor informed me that Irminka requires not one step, but three. I sat most of the night by her bed, looking at those tiny hands. When I heard her crying, my heart kroiło.

The next day, the emergence of a tiny underwent surgery for sigmoid fistula dwulufowej. Otherwise, there would Irminka infection and could die. Then I knew I have a long way to treat ... Daughter after the operation was good. Doctors taught me how to deal with Irminką and 3.10.2009 returned to the cottage.

In February 2010, underwent a second operation Irminka excretory system, and were inefficient breathing, she had to have a blood transfusion. As was to be held in June last, the least dangerous surgery. It seemed like it was over, yet another surprise awaited us. The daughter suffered a stroke, ischemic focus in the frontal lobe and parietal, epilepsy and paralysis of the left-hand. She was taken to neuroscience, where he was treated seizures
After a visit to the cardiologist experienced a shock. Murmurs were heart defect - tetralogy falotta asd II dry-pulmonary gradient to it of the loss międzyprzedsionkowy with bidirectional shunt and loss międzyprzedsionkowy. Siniczna heart defect. All the time we are unfortunately uphill. We're following cardiac surgery. The clinic in

Poznan spent one and a half month. Tiny caught with purulent otitis coli bacteria and fungus candida, but it turned out that he had another congenital anomaly. Do not have a thymus gland - the body immunity. Fell suspicion of George.

Today Irminka is balonoplastyki another surgery that went wrong. Probably waiting for the next operation hearts. Irminka is taken care of many specialists and with our great efforts began their first, self-treads.

Baby girl needs further specialist treatment. That is why I ask you to support this unequal struggle that we had to fight.
Irminki mother, Anita.

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